"If you can't explain something simply, you don't understand it well."
"Everything should be as simple as it can be, yet no simpler."
-Albert Einstein
We strongly believe in the importance of clearly communicating our work to the public, without compromising the ideas through oversimplification. The following pages are an attempt to explain the work of our laboratory without retreating behind impenetrable jargon. These pages will be a work in progress and updated regularly because science is always changing. We also hope that these pages will become a resource for patients and family members with pancreatic cancer who wish for a straightforward, clear, and accurate explanation of the disease. It will take some time, but ultimately we'd like to open this up to comments and questions to be answered or addressed by members of the laboratory.
In the first instance, please click below for the following topics:
"Everything should be as simple as it can be, yet no simpler."
-Albert Einstein
We strongly believe in the importance of clearly communicating our work to the public, without compromising the ideas through oversimplification. The following pages are an attempt to explain the work of our laboratory without retreating behind impenetrable jargon. These pages will be a work in progress and updated regularly because science is always changing. We also hope that these pages will become a resource for patients and family members with pancreatic cancer who wish for a straightforward, clear, and accurate explanation of the disease. It will take some time, but ultimately we'd like to open this up to comments and questions to be answered or addressed by members of the laboratory.
In the first instance, please click below for the following topics: